Isnin, 27 Disember 2010

liver transplant..=D

statement ni gile2 best r...bagi ak r...
statement ni berkenaan transplant of liver.....cerite nye camni..

tadi time lecture anatomy, ktorang blaja pasal liver...lecturer aku cite r pasal transplant of liver..ok..he said that..kalau nak trnsplant full liver..kene amik dari orang yang recently dead(baru mati)..tapi..kalau orang yang still hidup n nak derma liver die kepada orang yang tersayang( cite korea)..die kene derma half of his/her liver..especially left part kepada org yg memerlukan..ok..then the story get excited(lompat2)...bile kite derma separuh...makne nye tinggal lagi separuh r un...are we gonna die???(full of suspens..cehh)..
no lah!!!...the right side yg still tinggal dalam badan kite REGENERATE..subhanAllah..
so makne nye...left side kite akan tumbuh balik...n.. left side yg kite derma td plak..akan REGENERATE kanan die un akan tumbuh...can u guys see...from 1 it become 2..Allah Maha Berkuasa...=)

dividing right and left part
procedure nye...

because of that..a children can continue to catching his dream..insyAllah



ni la statement paling BAGUS pernah ak dengar....
paling STYLE skali...statement ni lecturer Anatomy ak yg cakap..haiiihhh
tp nk wat cmne un...terime jelah keadaan..=)

die cakap..ehem2..bismillah

"you know what...after we eat.. most of the blood drain into our intestine for absorbtion 
 of nutrients n others (bleh terime lagi )..including the blood in our after we eat...we  have to rest because the blood need to go to the intestine..soooooo...we have to SLEEP..."

mmg best r statement ni...mmg menerangkan SEGALAnye..youhhh...dont eat before we enter any class or lecture...

hah...mkn la mcm ni...sgt bagus tok cpat msuk kubur...
n..hasilnye cmni la...tunggu mase je kerusi tu..
dan...anak2 menjadi mangsa(ayt x leh bla)...huhu...

RBC is not a cell???

aku pun x tau la nk cakap lecturer biochem aku ckp camtu...ak nk wat cmne...nme sbenar RBC is..RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES....
adoi...pening aku xpe..
kite kene lah terime seadenye....
   kat bawah ni definition yang aku amik  from this link >
 corpuscle [ˈkɔːpʌsəl]n
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Biology) any cell or similar minute body that is suspended in a fluid, esp any of the      red blood corpuscles (see erythrocyte) or white blood corpuscles (see leucocyte).
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) Anatomy the encapsulated ending of a sensory nerve
3. (Physics / General Physics) Physics a discrete particle such as an electron, photon, ion, or atom
4. Also called corpuscule [kɔːˈpʌskjuːl] any minute particle
[from Latin corpusculum a little body, from corpus body]
macam cereals pun de gak..
ni bile nk berlaku blood clot..(cehh..bajet)
didiklah anak anda sebelum terlambat..

Sabtu, 25 Disember 2010

flight...8 hours =.="

huh...flight smpai 8 jam..cramp PINGGUL ak(budi bahasa budaya kita)...haha
     dari KLIA===> Bahrain (1st stop) is a pain memories(xde r pain mne) ..haha..seb bek bahrain lawa...fuhhh..
ni laut...kalau nk tau la...
liku liku perjalanan...=D
ni diorang pnye world trade center...=)
akan tetapi..masa menCEMBURUI diriku...dapat dok situ 2 hari stop = EGYPT..

and Egypt dah...

haaa...the great thing about egypt is...(jeng jeng jengggg)

hahaha....ok..kat bwah ni cam nk bg gambaran jelas pasal egypt :-

1.egypt....dusty..hoho...x payah penat2 nk pkai BEDAK..=D
2.egypt....time musim panas mmg hot gile da..pkai PAGODA je pg kuliah..hehe..n bile musim sejuk...fuhh...mmg mandi sebulan sekali r(melampau)..hahahah..
3.egypt....xde TRAFFIC LIGHT wooo...egyptian pon bwak kete pesss..bleh gugur jantung un..mmg susah nk xcident kat sni..ade tu mmg ade JARANG...humm...believe it or not..muahaha(gelak evil
4.egypt....mkanan mmg bnyk protein..n manis2...mmg susah r nk jmpe mkanan pedas2 ni...sos cili pon ratio die 1:100000000....hoho...yg de..sos tomato r..tu pun yg paling pedas r bg diorang...haa..kalo mkan KFC...yg spicy pnye...mmg mcm original pnye lah rse nye...x rse PEDAS(missing lauk pedas2) bile time mkanan manis plak cam fatirah(manisan)...1st layer..susu pekat manis..2nd layer..gula(cam stu tupperware die letak lam tu)..3rd layer...coklat...mmg manis gile sedap wooooo...hahaha
5.egyptian....mmg BENGIS+GARANG+ASIK NAK GADOH+KUAT yg bgus nye Egyptian ni...bile ade org gadoh...orang sekeliling...makcik ke pakcik ke atok or nenek ke pengemis ke pemandu teksi yg x knal sape yg bergaduh tu, tp TERnmpk diorng gaduh...diorang akn bekerjasama for meleraikan pergaduhan secara ni...cepat gaduh n cepat lerai..humm=D

ni sungai nil...kat cairo

ni la fatirah tu..die cam roti ade manisan and sgt lembut woo...marvellous=)
kalo dorang gaduh bkn nye yg lain tlg tgk n tukang  bad example ni..

skunk..aku nk start berbicara...=D

~hummmm. simplest thing bout me...ak seorang jejaka (wahh) and i (cehh) berumur...humm..x tue sgt..MUDA tu..mmg la..haha..aku sena nye x minat sgt mmbace n mnulis ak ade bnyk sgt bnde nk take your chair and have a sit...because ape yg korang akan bace ini bukanlah...COBAAN...muahahaha(gelak evil) ;]~
btw..ak sgt TERUJA  nak wat blog nih...(padahal nk kumpul followers je)..haha

                           ni la kembar ak (berangan)..=)
                         p/s : lagu die smua style lah..creative me (berangan ag)..